HCL Smart Water Analytics Solution for Water Utilities

HCL Technologies Limited.

HCL Smart Water Analytics Solution for Water Utilities

HCL Technologies Limited.

Intelligent Data &Analytics Platform for eliminating outages & improving Operational efficiency

HCL's Smart Water Analytics Solution provides actionable, near real-time insights and visualization across the business assets, processes and end customers.
Data (real-time, batch and stream) from various systems can be integrated to the solution to enable actionable insights to assist in the prioritization of Utility there by Utility can achieve its core objectives.
The solution consolidates all operational data gathered from many systems, including SCADA systems, Asset management, CIS, etc. This data is captured and centralized into a data lake which will enable Utility to better utilization of its existing IT investments. The analytics layer applies advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to generate insights which will be visualized on a unified dashboard for business users to utilize. The Solution provides a near real-time view of all work happening across Utility's enterprise-wide asset base, including both operational and customer-related work.

HCL will leverage existing IPs/ accelerators to expedite onboarding of source systems and faster realization of use cases. Some key platform capabilities such as Data Lineage and Operational monitoring shall also be addressed by these frameworks which will result in significant reusability and automation benefits to the Utility.
HCL Accelerators IPs:
For Data Ingestion
Sketch: Accelerates the ingestion process by utilizing the pre-built data pipelines)
For Data processing
Sketch: Accelerate the data processing layer with the pre-built data pipelines)
Gatekeeper: QA solution for Data Process and Transformation Testing
For Data Quality
Gatekeeper: QA solution for Data Process and Transformation Testing

Solution components:
The solution leverages Microsoft Data Services such as ADF, IoT Hub and Event hub for integration; Azure Data Bricks, Synapse, Azure SQL, Cosmos DB and Azure Data late for Data storage & transformation; Azure ML, Azure Analysis services and Azure cognitive services for modelling and advanced analytics; and Power BI, Power BI mobile Apps for Data visualization.


Monetary & Operational benefits

  • Reduce non-revenue water loss and improve revenue
  • Helps in detecting leaks before they escalate to major usages/ asset failures
  • Proactive monitoring and alerting helps in reducing major outages caused by pipeline bursts and water leaks
  • Optimizes the pressure to pump water and thus reduces energy consumption
  • Predict future failure points and track network changes, giving a more complete picture of its water network
  • Empowers field services with right insights and actions
  • Provides a summary view of work status and statistics grouped at different levels, checks service level agreement (SLA) adherence, measure work performance, analyze crew performance
  • Improve customer and staff experience by consolidating all the relevant data into one place and serving it back to the operational systems in a timely and relevant manner.
  • Helps in water audits, regulatory and compliance requirements

Improved Customer Services

  • Improves/proactive response time to incidents
  • Provides enhanced visualization from different feeds like call center, social media and helps the Utility to address the issue
  • 360 view of customer information

Unified Dashboard view

  • Unified view of data from all treatment plants
  • Provides 360-degree view of the entire network

Audit, Regulatory & Compliance Support

  • Early warnings about illegal pollution of the sewerage network
  • Simplifies audit process