Realtime Compliance API v2

TPP Validation

Realtime Compliance API v2

TPP Validation

Get PSD2 TPP Validation with Compliance as a Service

With the EU PSD2 Regulation (EU2015/2366), European banks (ASPSPs) have been forced to deploy and enable access to (PSD2) APIs that must be freely accessible to regulated so-called Third-party Payment providers (TPPs). Together with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU2018/389), also known as the Regulatory Technical Standards for Strong Customer Authentication, there are clear remarks on how access and authorization must be fulfilled by banks to get fully compliant.

Our Service validates any Qualified Trust Service Provider issued eIDAS Certificates while also performing lookups in National Competent Authority registers over-regulated TPPs for Regulatory confirmation enabling banks to securely allow access and authorize correct permissions for any incoming PSD2 API request - in real-time, enabling full regulatory compliance.

Key Benefits

  • Supports both QWAC and QSealC for PSD2 (eIDAS) certificates
  • Supports both AIS/PIS/CIS PSD2 Roles as well as ASPSPs
  • Covers regulatory registers of all 30 National Competent Authorities
  • Includes regulatory monitoring and compliance, risk mitigation with full traceability and facilitates reporting.
Click on ‘Get It Now’ for a free trial today - procure and subscribe conveniently.

Our flexible service allows you to be fully compliant in two steps:
  1. Automate TPP onboarding with the our free or premium operations for better user experience and remove manual handling.
  2. Integrate the Premium offer in your IAM/FW/LB to enable real-time TPP authorization for any incoming PSD2 API request.
  3. Subscription also enables access to our Audit Log API from which you can fully automate incident reporting to authorities.