



Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Minimal - Quick, Secure, and Ready-to-Deploy

Streamline your containerized application deployments with our ready-to-deploy Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Minimal offering. This Azure Marketplace solution provides you with a lightweight, secure, and optimized environment for running Docker containers, ensuring that you can focus on building and scaling your applications without the overhead of unnecessary packages and configurations.

Key Features:

  • Optimized for Performance: Built on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Minimal, this image is stripped of unnecessary packages, providing a sleek and efficient base that reduces resource usage and attack vectors.
  • Latest Docker Engine: Comes pre-installed with the latest stable release of Docker, allowing you to leverage the newest features and improvements for container orchestration.
  • Enhanced Security: Security is a top priority. The minimal footprint reduces exposure to vulnerabilities, and the system is regularly updated to include the latest security patches.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate with Azure services and your existing CI/CD pipelines, enhancing your DevOps workflows with the power of containerization.
  • Azure-Optimized: Tailored for Azure infrastructure, this image is designed to take full advantage of Azure's scalable compute offerings, ensuring compatibility and performance.
  • Support for Docker Compose: Manage multi-container Docker applications with ease using Docker Compose, which is also included in this offering.
  • Ready for Production: This image is tested and ready for production workloads, providing a stable foundation for deploying your containerized applications with confidence.

    Use Cases:
  • Web Applications: Ideal for running web services and APIs in a containerized environment, providing easy scaling and deployment.
  • Microservices Architecture: Perfect for microservices-based applications, allowing for independent scaling and robust service isolation.
  • Development and Testing: Accelerate your development and testing cycles by leveraging Docker's rapid deployment capabilities.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Integrate seamlessly with your CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

    Getting Started:

    Deploying Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Minimal is straightforward. Once your Azure instance is up and running, you can immediately pull images from Docker Hub or your private registry and start deploying containers. With our solution, you'll save time on setup and maintenance, allowing you to focus on what matters most—delivering great applications.
  • Note: For security reasons no port are open by default, YOU WILL NEED TO OPEN ANY NEEDED PORTS ON YOUR OWN (from both the sides, the VM "after installing ufw" and your Azure portal)