Azure Health Insights


Azure Health Insights


Azure Health Insights is an Azure AI service providing an API that serves insight models, which perform analysis and provide inferences to be used by a human. The models can receive input in different modalities, and return insight inferences including evidence as a result, for key high value scenarios in the health domain.

Azure Health Insights is an Azure AI service providing an API that serves insight models, which perform analysis and provide inferences to be used by a human. The models can receive input in different modalities, and return insight inferences including evidence as a result, for key high value scenarios in the health domain:

  • The Radiology Insights model receives radiology reports and provides inferences, including age and sex mismatches, findings, critical results, communications, follow-up recommendations, order and laterality discrepancies and radiology procedures.
  • The Trial Matcher model receives patient data and clinical trials protocols, and provides relevant clinical trials based on eligibility criteria.
  • The Onco Phenotype model receives clinical records of oncology patients and outputs cancer profiling, such as clinical stage TNM categories and pathologic stage TNM categories, as well as tumor site and histology.