Accenture Connected Construction FY22


Accenture Connected Construction FY22


Make construction projects more connected, intelligent, and collaborative with an IoT platform

Connected Construction helps organizations realize the full potential of their people, equipment, and materials by connecting them in real time to improve safety, efficiency, and predictive delivery.
In the face of a growing market, the construction sector has struggled to boost productivity due to a lack of digitization over the past few decades. Construction is still manual in nature with minimal real-time collaboration and significant process inefficiencies, resulting in higher costs and reduced productivity. Today’s critical pain points are largely centered around human capital and a lack of reliable, real-time data. At the same time, the industry demands that high quality projects be delivered at low cost and within very short time frames.
The Connected Construction solution brings a comprehensive set of functionalities and insights together into one platform, making construction projects more connected, intelligent, and collaborative. Real-time communication between people, systems, and assets allows teams to work together more efficiently, enabling better cost and schedule control. By leveraging real-time and predictive analytics across assets, organizations can streamline decision-making and more accurately forecast outcomes to optimize processes and avoid waste.