Ignition Container for IoT Edge

Inductive Automation

Ignition Container for IoT Edge

Inductive Automation

Ignition is a powerful, all-in-one platform with everything to create and deploy industrial applications – SCADA, IIoT, MES and more. Cirrus Link Azure Injector and MQTT Transmission Modules are pre-installed in this Azure IoT Edge Module container image.

Combine your existing licensed Ignition or Ignition Edge installation with Azure’s IoT Edge for a powerful solution that connects on-premise operations and edge-of-network equipment. Efficiently leverage MQTT and easily establish centralized gateways to manage all your enterprise data and assets.

What is an Ignition Container?
Ignition and Ignition Edge are industrial automation platform solutions that connect your people, processes, programs and data. An Azure IoT Edge Module, this container provides universal compatibility and unlimited potential for building SCADA, IIoT, or MES solutions and deploying them throughout an enterprise — all the way to your edge devices across multiple locations.

Monitor & Control
Standard Ignition does the heavy lifting on the plant floor, where it collects data and connects hardware with software to enable high-level supervision of operations. This creates an Industrial IoT solution that helps you monitor performance data, control complex processes, and manage the flow of information over secure networks. Ignition Edge helps you better leverage MQTT to unlock trapped data from remote edge equipment.

Design, Develop, Deploy
Featuring a fully integrated development environment with a built-in Designer, Ignition includes everything you need to create a custom industrial application with shapes, graphics, animations, and more resources. Use simple drag-and-drop data binding to establish tag links, then instantly web-deploy clients to screens of any size from desktop displays to mobile devices.

Solid Foundation, Scalable Architecture
Ignition integrates IT and OT technologies to enable flexible architectures of computers, industrial equipment, network communications, and graphical user interfaces that scale easily to match your growth. The built-in OPC UA server and database connectivity make connecting to any major PLC or database easy. Ignition’s core modules help you visualize real-time data with custom dashboards, turn any screen into an HMI to control equipment, and configure alarm notifications to get ahead of issues via text, email, or voice.

Enterprise Dashboards
Aggregate data from multiple locations, remotely monitor performance, and manage your operations all from one central hub. Gain maximum visibility over enterprise operations with customizable dashboards, and provide data to more stakeholders no matter where they are located.

Minimum Hardware Requirements
Linux x86_64, Linux ARM 32, Linux ARM 64 architectures are supported. Beyond architectures, standard Ignition hardware requirements apply.