SFTP Server with web-based UI on Ubuntu 22.04

Ntegral Inc.

SFTP Server with web-based UI on Ubuntu 22.04

Ntegral Inc.

SFTPGo, SFTP, Web-based UI and Administration, Secure SFTP server solution using SFTP / SSH server software on Ubuntu 22.04

SFTP Secure Server with web-based UI on Ubuntu 22.04 is a premium VM image by Ntegral Inc. optimized for production environments on Azure. Looking to access your data anywhere without having to migrate it? Then look no further.

What is SFTP?

SFTP, or Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a secure file transfer protocol that uses secure shell encryption to provide a high level of security for sending and receiving file transfers.

SFTP is similar to FTPS in that it uses AES and other algorithms to secure data as it travels between different systems. SFTP also provides several methods to fulfill the authentication of a connection such as user IDs and passwords, SSH keys, or combinations of these. SFTP is capable of helping enterprises achieve file transfer compliance as required for HIPAA, GDPR, and other regulatory regimes.

Why Ntegral?

(SFTPGo) - SFTP Secure Server with a web-based UI on Ubuntu 22.04 is a premium VM image for enterprise cloud environments. Our instances provide an excellent virtual machine (VM) platform for all workloads and various database platforms.

Key Benefits
  • Supports SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS)
  • Create private / public keys for secure communication between clients
  • Supports resume and transfer of large files
  • Multiple methods of encryption including AES 128, AES 256, 3DES, Blowfish, and more
  • Encryption with SSL/TLS (for FTPS)
  • Per-user permissions on the underlying file system
  • GUI configuration tool
  • Restrict access to connect with IP address ACL
  • Logging
  • Create Virtual Directories
  • View / Disconnect active users
  • Limit max connections and set idle timeout
  • Ability to change ports
  • Set max transfer rate per user

How to launch the VM and access SFTPGo

To access SFTPGo after launching the VM instance, simply open http://instance IP:8080/web/admin in your browser, create the first admin user and start using SFTPGo.

This virtual machine is pre-configured to use SQLite but you can easily switch to PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MySQL/MariaDB or an embedded key/value store.

Default Configuration Settings
  • The configuration file is "/etc/sftpgo/sftpgo.json".
  • Logs are written to the directory "/srv/sftpgo/logs".
  • The SQLite database is stored in the "/var/lib/sftpgo" directory.
  • Data for local users is stored in "/srv/sftpgo" directory.

If you attach additional disks please make sure to set the proper permissions after mounting them. The SFTPGo service runs using the dedicated "sftpgo" system user.

For example supposing you are mounting additional disks on "/srv/data" and "/var/lib/sftpgo", execute:
  • sudo chown sftpgo:sftpgo /srv/data
  • sudo chown sftpgo:sftpgo /var/lib/sftpgo
Then restart the service. sudo systemctl restart sftpgo.service