
Entergrade Solutions Inc.


Entergrade Solutions Inc.

The easiest way to quickly manage voice services and numbers in Microsoft Teams without PowerShell.

The simplest way to add and manage voice services and phone numbers in Teams. Turn up new services and users in minutes instead of hours or days. Assign numbers, set policies and manage users whenever you want without ever touching PowerShell.

Yep. You read it right. No PowerShell. Ever.

People who love TeamsBoss are:

  • IT Administrators and Managers: You want a faster way to deal with quirks and frustrations that arise while managing Teams Voice so you can make changes faster and use your time for more important things. You may be relying on a spreadsheet to manage all your phone numbers and you know there must be a better way.
  • Phone Carriers and Resellers: Your customers want to use Teams as their phone system. You want to deliver exceptional support without investing in complex Teams and PowerShell training for high level IT administrators. You need a solution that help desk staff can understand and support with less than an hour of training.
  • Teams Consultants: You want to complete deployments faster, now you can with bulk management of users. You have successfully completed a deployment, now you can set your customer up to self-manage from day one. You need a solution that empowers your client and limits their risk of feeling frustrated with their communications system, here it is.
  • HR Managers: You would love to assign numbers and manage your Teams communication system without waiting for IT to have time to get back to you. If you are an HR manager without an IT department, you can save money on 3rd party contractors for every new hire or change you need to make.

What you don’t need to know to use or support TeamsBoss:

  • No Teams Voice Manuals. You want to use it- but you don’t want to get a degree in it. Anyone can take care of daily tasks and changes. No fancy certification required.
  • No PowerShell. Ever. If the thought of PowerShell makes you shudder, this system is for you! If you don’t know what PowerShell is- this system is especially for you!
  • No expensive and time-consuming integrations. TeamsBoss is a web-based system that is ready to go today.
  • No need to call in the expert. This system was designed for everyday admins in mind.

TeamsBoss is the fastest and easiest way to:

  • Effortlessly import your phone numbers into the Teams environment from a spreadsheet with one click. Copy/Paste or manually enter if you prefer. TeamsBoss will do the work while you refill your coffee.
  • Assign and unassign phone numbers to users, auto attendants and call queues (MACDs).
  • Create profiles to make sure users get the right phone number and policies for their role and location.
  • Review user voicemail and call settings to quickly troubleshoot issues.
  • Monitor number inventory. See how many numbers you have left by geographic location, so you know when you need to add more.
  • Monitor concurrent call volumes so you can plan. Get notifications when you reach certain usage levels that YOU set. (Coming soon)
  • Manage numbers from multiple carriers with any mix of Direct Routing, Calling Plan and Operator Connect. TeamsBoss is a multi-vendor environment.
  • Keep track of legacy numbers on other PBX systems.
  • Reserve numbers in advance for specific projects or people.
  • Save the most memorable numbers for the most important uses. Classify your numbers into ordinary, bronze, silver, and gold. (Think radio advertising!)
  • Extensions are easy to create and assign to users.
  • Improve service quality with fewer ways to introduce back-end mistakes that frustrate users.
  • Save money! Connect, automate, and control your Teams Phone integration. What used to take months will now take minutes. Free up precious time and resources from your most skilled staff.

Administrative consent is required in order to be able to login and use TeamsBoss.