Tidal Tools

Tidal Tools

Easily run Tidal Tools in your Azure environment and begin your journey to Azure.

Using Tidal Tools you can easily discover and assess your applications and their infrastructure. You can get started and rapidly capture what technologies are in use, on which networks and with what DNS configuration.

Your enterprise likely has multiple n-tier environments, by design or through acquisitions. Tidal's Discovery Plan feature was designed with this in mind. Define each of your networks in a YAML block and let Tidal Tools analyze each one independently.

Bringing in your server inventory is a one-liner. Use `tidal sync servers` with direct support for VMWare, HyperV, Active Directory connected inventory and more.

Easily analyze your applications source code and allowing you to rank your application portfolio by Cloud Readiness. Analyze your databases, identifying roadblocks to cloud migrations based on over 100 unique characteristics.

Like your developers, we speak JSON. Whether you're writing custom processes on top of our discoveries, or extending our discovered data with your own in-house inventories, you will find Tidal Tools output consistent JSON.

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