Build Agents for Azure DevOps

white duck GmbH

Build Agents for Azure DevOps

white duck GmbH

Predefined private build agents for Azure DevOps. Available as Single Windows VM and VM Scaleset.

With white duck Build Agents for Azure DevOps, we offer predefined Private Build Agents as managed service and solution template, which can be quickly and easily integrated into your own Azure DevOps environment to bring your Azure Pipelines to the next level.

Many years of experience in modern build processes.
As a service provider for software and cloud engineering, we design, develop and operate scalable, efficient, and individual SaaS, web, mobile and IoT applications on the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Our many years of experience in modern build processes are reflected in our build agents. We want to share this knowledge to enable you an implementation of more efficient build processes.

Microsoft Azure and Build Agents for Azure DevOps – a perfect fit.
You can create a full deployment of private build agents for Azure DevOps on Azure virtual machines (VM) or VM scale sets using your Azure subscription. Setting up a private build agent and the environment needed to build the project is complex and time-consuming. That’s why we have developed this solution which simplifies the deployment of a private build agent to a single click.

But why choose a private build agent over hosted agents from Azure DevOps?
  • You need more memory, more processor, more storage, or more IO than what we offer in native Microsoft-hosted agents.
  • You need NCv2 VM with particular instruction sets for machine learning.
  • You need to deploy to a private Azure App Service in a private VNET with no inbound connectivity.
  • You need to open corporate firewall to specific IP addresses so that Microsoft-hosted agents can communicate with your servers.
  • You need to restrict network connectivity of agent machines and allow them to reach only approved sites.
  • You can't get enough agents from Microsoft to meet your needs.
  • Your jobs exceed the Microsoft-hosted agent timeout.
  • You can't partition Microsoft-hosted parallel jobs to individual projects or teams in your organization.
  • You want to run several consecutive jobs on an agent to take advantage of incremental source and machine-level package caches.
  • You want to run additional configuration or cache warmup before an agent begins accepting jobs.
  • You don't want to run dedicated agents around the clock. You want to de-provision agent machines that are not being used to run jobs.
  • You run untrusted code in your pipeline and want to re-image agent machines after each job.
  • You want to simplify periodically updating the base image for your agents.

If you have any questions about our solution or if you would like to commission us, please contact us.