PostgreSQL Server 14 on Ubuntu 22.04

Art Group

PostgreSQL Server 14 on Ubuntu 22.04

Art Group

A powerful and feature-rich open-source relational database management system

PostgreSQL Server 14 on Ubuntu 22.04

PostgreSQL is widely recognized for its robustness, scalability, and extensive feature set. With the release of PostgreSQL Server 14, several new features and improvements make it an even more attractive choice for developers, administrators, and organizations looking for a reliable and efficient database solution.

One of the notable enhancements in PostgreSQL 14 is the improved JSON conveniences. While PostgreSQL has supported manipulating JSON data in previous versions, retrieving values required using a unique syntax. PostgreSQL 14 simplifies the retrieval of JSON values, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.

PostgreSQL 14 also brings significant performance improvements for heavy workloads. Benchmarks have shown a notable throughput boost, with some scenarios experiencing a 2x speedup. These performance enhancements are especially beneficial for applications that utilize numerous connections and frequently update indexes, reducing index bloat and improving overall performance.

PostgreSQL 14 also includes security enhancements, such as the ability to assign read-only and write-only privileges to users on tables, views, and schemas using the predefined roles, pg_read_all_data and pg_write_all_data. This simplifies the management of user permissions and ensures better control over data access and modifications.

Upgrade your database infrastructure to PostgreSQL Server 14 on Ubuntu 22.04 and benefit from its improved JSON conveniences, performance enhancements for heavy workloads, and strengthened security features. PostgreSQL continues to evolve as a reliable and feature-rich database system, empowering you to build robust and scalable applications with ease.

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