Tikiwiki 24.3.1 with Support on Ubuntu 20.04

bCloud LLC

Tikiwiki 24.3.1 with Support on Ubuntu 20.04

bCloud LLC

Tikiwiki 24.3.1 | TikiWiki, commonly known as Tiki, is a robust and feature-rich open-source content management system (CMS) and wiki application.

TikiWiki, commonly known as Tiki, is a robust and feature-rich open-source content management system (CMS) and wiki application. It is designed to empower users to create, manage, and collaborate on a variety of web-based projects, ranging from traditional websites and intranets to collaborative online communities and knowledge bases.The software is maintained by a dedicated community of developers and users, ensuring regular updates and improvements. TikiWiki's flexibility, extensibility, and user-friendly interface make it a compelling choice for organizations and individuals seeking an all-in-one solution for their web presence and collaborative content needs. Whether you need a simple website, an intranet for your organization, or an interactive community platform, TikiWiki offers the tools and capabilities to fulfill these requirements efficiently.