Fully Customized and Secure Centos 8 Golden Image

Cloud Whiz Solutions

Fully Customized and Secure Centos 8 Golden Image

Cloud Whiz Solutions

Ultimate security and performance with Golden Hardened Image on AZURE

Golden Hardened Image is a cutting-edge software stack tailored for Centos 8 on AZURE. It offers a comprehensive suite of security features, including secure boot, kernel hardening, and system lockdown to safeguard against vulnerabilities and unauthorized access. With a focus on performance, this stack is optimized for seamless operation, delivering superior speed and responsiveness. Moreover, it undergoes regular updates and vulnerability assessments to ensure ongoing protection.

Customized for Centos 8, it enhances compatibility and streamlines deployment for diverse applications. Golden Hardened Image is the go-to choice for businesses seeking a reliable, scalable, and secure software stack on AZURE.

CloudWhiz images on Azure Marketplace are patched with latest patches. Azure marketplace also provides a single repository for you as customer to find the large number of products which we provide.

You can search for any stack and you shall find it on CloudWhiz Repository on Azure marketplace. If you are unable to find a particular image, please send us an email and we shall try to help and provide the same to you.All of These images shall be patched and updated on Azure.