Performance Assessment: 8-Weeks


Performance Assessment: 8-Weeks


Performance Assessment: Marketing, Sales, and Service Performance audit and Benchmarking

Over the next 10 years, the gap between market leaders and laggards will grow exponentially. However, three critical elements of competitive advantage will remain unchanged - rapid learning, adaptability, and digital technology adoption speed.

It is hard to track changes in consumer behavior and market competition.
Even harder to track and implement numerous digital instruments that
appear almost every day.
In theory, You need to address three factors when digitally transforming
Marketing, Sales, and Service: business processes, technology, and people.
In practice, most companies try to device a complex success formula based
on their size, growth rate, and even opinions of various C-level members of
staff about specific digital products. That makes objective situation
assessment increasingly tricky.
Customer-centricity and personalization, omnichannel and seamless
customer experience
At every customer lifecycle stage, from the first contact to product purchase
and word-of-mouth advertising, every person communicates and interacts
with Your company in various ways. And 90% of the customer experience is
generated by Marketing, Sales, and Service.
Successful companies make this process seamless, personalized, and
comfortable for the client yet profitable for themselves. They process high
volumes of data, maintain a customer-centric organizational structure,
implement cross-cutting automation, use predictive and prescriptive
analytics, and base their decisions and actions on data.
However, to devise a Digital transformation roadmap and create a sustainable
leading growth strategy, one needs objective situation assessment. This is
where Marketing, Sales, and Service audit comes into play. You get a clear
picture of current status and an accurate estimation of how you measure up
to the top dogs.

Performance and productivity assessment takes 8 to 12 weeks, but it’s the fastest way for top-management
to receive an objective and detailed review of Marketing, Sales, and Service current status. It enables You to:
- evaluate current performance and see how You’re doing compared to Digital transformation leaders;
- determine, which factors influence Your performance, productivity, and competitiveness;
- detect weak spots and redirect Your efforts to strengthen them;
- discover game-changing digital instruments and implement them;
- devise a Marketing, Sales, and Service digital transformation roadmap and ensure the sustainability of Your
competitive advantage.

This application is available in [English, Russian]