
LeakSignal, Inc


LeakSignal, Inc

LeakSignal manages all layer 4 to 7 data inline and in real-time across the mesh to detect abuse.

Built by the creators of OpenShift and Shape Security, LeakSignal is a powerful data flow and classification platform that allows customers to seamlessly observe data access, properly mitigate threats, and uphold regulatory compliance within production environments.

Take control and set limits on sensitive data access.

Using LeakSignal, Organizations achieve:

  • Quick and easy mitigation at the service level: LeakSignal is the final line of defense when attackers bypass existing WAF or bot-focused defenses. LeakSignal rate limits or blocks traffic based on incoming or outgoing sensitive data flows along with fine grained layer 7 signals.
  • Automatic Micro-Segmentation with Service Based Access Control (SBAC): LeakSignal automatically segments thousands of microservices in minutes based on the sensitive data they handle to understand where data is being accessed across geographies, cloud environments, and clusters.
  • Elimination of Compliance Violations: LeakSignal’s data flow reporting and network policy verification give organizations a simple way to maintain compliance across complex, multi-national environments. Rest assured that network policies are enforced and working as expected.
  • Seamless Incident Response and Attestation: LeakSignal seamlessly processes all outbound content to gain unique data protection and audit capabilities that identify exactly where sensitive data flows, is encrypted, and accessed.

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INSTALLS IN MINUTES: LeakSignal installs as a lightweight WebAsembly module into existing ingress, sidecar, and ambient mesh proxies, giving engineering and security teams instant visibility to assess the data plane security posture.

AGENTLESS: LeakSignal is built to process all outbound content, which allows for unique data protection and audit capabilities that identify exactly what sensitive data was accessed.

INSTANT OUTCOMES: All services and sensitive data are automatically mapped in real-time. After analysis, improved posture management is achieved through prioritization, microsegmentation and configuration hardening.


LeakSignal has pioneered a groundbreaking approach to data in-transit classification that allows organizations to seamlessly observe and govern sensitive data flows, properly mitigate threats, and uphold regulatory compliance within production environments. LeakSignal operates natively within cloud-native modern architectures, analyzing encrypted traffic at the service level in real-time to classify all sensitive data flows.