Ethereum Development and Training Suit

Niles Partners Inc.

Ethereum Development and Training Suit

Niles Partners Inc.

Ethereum is an open-source, free, decentralized Blockchain with smart contract functionality.

Ethereum is an open-source, free, decentralized Blockchain with smart contract functionality. It is used to make any secure digital technology. Participants can also use Ethereum tokens to pay for any work done on the blockchain.

Related to Ethereum, there are so many products, but the most famous one is Ethereum Development and Training Suit product. In developing Ethereum Development and Training Suit product, Ganache, Truffle Suite, and MetaMask framework is used.

Ganache: It runs tests, executes commands, and inspects state quickly on your own Ethereum blockchain.

Truffle Suite: For Ethereum developers and testers, Truffle provides a world-class development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline.

MetaMask: Using this tool, you can run Ethereum dApps in your browser without running a full Ethereum node. Features

  • A fast & easy way to get started with Ethereum.
  • Examine all blocks & transactions to gain insight into what’s happening under the hood.
  • It is more secure and scalable.
  • Blockchain Log Output
  • Powerful Interactive Console
  • Ethereum JSON-RPC support
  • Advanced Mining Control