PyTorch on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Apps4Rent LLC

PyTorch on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Apps4Rent LLC

PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs.

PyTorch is an open-source, Python-based deep learning framework used for a variety of applications like computer vision, natural language processing, and scientific computing. It's known for its: Flexibility: Offers dynamic computation graphs, allowing for efficient experimentation and customization of models. Imperative programming: Enables easier debugging and understanding of code compared to purely declarative frameworks. Rich ecosystem: Supports various libraries like PyTorch Lightning, Torchvision, and PyTorch Geometric for specific tasks.

Key features of PyTorch:

  • Tensors: Multi-dimensional arrays for storing and manipulating data like images, text, and numerical data.
  • Automatic differentiation: Tracks operations performed on tensors to efficiently compute gradients and backpropagate errors during training.
  • Modules: Reusable building blocks for neural networks, like convolutional layers and recurrent layers.
  • Optimizers: Algorithms that update model parameters based on training data to minimize loss..

To check the installation and version of the PyTorch perform the steps below:

  • Update the VM with: sudo apt-get update, now follow below steps
  • i) sudo su
  • ii) cd /root
  • iii) Now, run the mentioned command to activate the conda environment: conda activate pytorch_env
  • iv)Run this command to check the version of the PyTorch: conda list pytorch
  • v)To deactivate the conda, run: conda deactivate

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Default ports:

  • SSH: 22