Contractual Risk Management with AI

C3IT Software Solutions

Contractual Risk Management with AI

C3IT Software Solutions

An AI-based Solution to Enable Extraction of Sections and it’s Clauses from the Contract Document

Contractual Risk Management with AI

Contractual Risk Management enables the extraction/reading of sections/entities and their clauses from RFQ/contract/Agreement documents with the help of Azure form recognizer, Open AI services and Document Artificial Intelligence. By applying these services, it enables human-like interpretation over the content in contract documents.

The key accomplishments include successful extraction of information, generation of relevant questions, and customizable question-answer support.

Contractual Risk Management solution showcases significant progress in extracting information from contracts (RFQ's, RFP; s, Statement of work, supply contracts) PDF documents and generating relevant questions and answers.

Key Features of the Solution

  1. Upload Functionality: Enabling document upload for seamless processing in Azure Blob Storage
  2. Display Page Numbers: Incorporating page numbers alongside extracted information.
  3. Tabular Data Presentation: Facilitating the display of tabular data from extracted information.
  4. User Interface: A simple but rich user interface has been created to display the document, select sections, display the extracted content and the generated questions as well as their responses.
  5. Extraction of Content from Sections: The results display excellent extraction accuracy of content from the named sections and clauses within the sections.
  6. Follow up Questions and Answers: Generation of relevant follow up questions as well as responses to these questions has been demonstrated and results have been very relevant.
  7. Custom Questions: The AI service accepts custom questions at runtime and generates relevant answers to these.
  8. Section Content retrieved from multiple Points in the Document: Ensuring the solution retrieves content related to the specified section even when that content is not limited to the named section.
  9. Handling large documents: The production-ready solution will implement a revised architecture to efficiently handle longer documents, surpassing the current limitation of 4000 tokens per request.

The Outcomes of Contractual Risk Management Application

  1. Enhanced Functionality: Incorporate upload functionality for seamless document processing, display page numbers alongside extracted information, and facilitate tabular data presentation.
  2. Improved Consistency & Performance: Refine the solution's architecture to handle larger documents efficiently, reducing processing time and ensuring a more consistent output across various document types.
  3. Customer Centric Approach: Align with customer needs and requirements, focusing on delivering a robust, production-ready application that addresses observed issues and fulfills additional requests.


  1. Upload Functionality: Enable users to seamlessly upload documents for processing, enhancing user experience and workflow efficiency.
  2. Page Number Display: Incorporate page numbers alongside extracted information, providing context and aiding in document navigation.
  3. Tabular Data Presentation: Facilitate the display of tabular data extracted from documents, improving readability and comprehension.
  4. Refined Architecture: Implement a revised architecture capable of efficiently handling larger documents, mitigating processing delays, and minimizing timeout errors.
  5. Consistency & Performance Improvements: Ensure a more consistent output while processing various documents, enhancing reliability and user satisfaction.
  6. Documentation & Support: Provide comprehensive documentation and support to assist users in utilizing the solution effectively and addressing any issues that may arise.

By focusing on these objectives and delivering the specified enhancements, we aim to evolve the solution into a robust, production-ready application that meets the needs of our customers and exceeds expectations in terms of functionality, reliability, and performance.

About C3IT

C3IT Software Solutions is an Information Technology services and consulting company & C3IT enables organizations to bring about business transformation through digital platforms. Our certified Azure experts provide specialized discovery and optimized migration approaches.

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*Notes: Price May vary once we review your assessment