Data Analysis Platform

Clouds On Mars

Data Analysis Platform

Clouds On Mars

Data Analytics Platform eases and speeds up Azure migration process.

Unique Data Analytics Platform methodology accelerates the rate an organization adopts and embeds a data analytics platform, combining needs of data engineering, machine learning and business intelligence without need to maintain separate tools and processes.

The Data Analytics Platform consists of: 
* ingestion (any data lake, DB, DWH)
* modelling (pipelines, integration)
* governance (compliance & security)
* presentation layers (dashboards & reports). 
Data Analytics Platform is powered by Azure services.

**What we do**
* STRATEGY - Define business justification and expected outcomes.
* PLAN - Align cloud adoption plan to business outcomes.
* READY - Prepare the cloud environment for the planned changes. 
* ADOPT/MIGRATE/INNOVATE - Implement the desired changes across IT and business processes. 
* GOVERN -Benchmark and implement governance best practices.
* MANAGE - Implement operations baseline and manage processes.

**Benefits and Outcomes**
* SAVE UP TO 68%" -Lift and shift" your applications to Azure
* SAVE UP TO 63% - Rebuild your applications on Azure
* SAVE UP TO 78% - Azure vs on-premise data center TCO