EY Ratings Intelligence Solution for ESG (RISE)

EY Global

EY Ratings Intelligence Solution for ESG (RISE)

EY Global

Optimizing rating agency scores

Solution overview:

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance has become increasingly important to stakeholders, investors, and governments. While ESG rating agencies such as MSCI, Sustainalytics, and ISS provide valuable firm-level ESG performance and risk information, changing qualitative and quantitative criteria, dimly understood methodologies and difficult to compare scores can make responses burdensome and score improvements uncertain. The EY Ratings Intelligence Solution for ESG (RISE) built on Microsoft technology standardizes and enriches company rating data, calculates score gaps at the most granular level, and makes rating improvements faster and easier.

Solution benefits

•Prioritizes ESG rating agency and set ratings objectives
•Identifies the biggest score gaps and improvement drivers
•Helps enable scenario planning and “what if” analysis
•Allows multiyear ESG disclosure planning
•Facilitates identification of high-value response criteria and improvement opportunities
•Supports peer benchmarking across different rating agencies

•Provides guidance on strategic changes that can help your organization better manage ESG risks and opportunities