Track 360 Feedback

Track Surveys Ltd

Track 360 Feedback

Track Surveys Ltd

Track 360 Feedback in Microsoft Teams delivers fast and seamless bespoke 360 Degree Feedback.

Which organizations will benefit from Track 360 Feedback for Teams?
Mid or large corporates who want to develop and implement bespoke 360 Degree Feedback. The 360s can be aligned with each organization's competency, leadership or values framework. This provides ongoing measurement and reporting on talent, leadership and performance, at individual, local and global levels.
When would you use Track 360 Feedback for Teams?
The ability to set up bespoke 360 feedback means that it Track 360 for Teams can support:
- Senior level leadership development
- Talent identification and development
- Organizational development programs at all levels
- Promotions to next level
- Data for discussion in performance appraisals and reviews
Key features of Track 360 Feedback for Teams
  • Multiple, fully bespoke 360s can be authored by the in-house People function.
  • Access for authoring and implementing on an Administrator Dashboard that has been designed for ease of use and efficiency.
  • Feedback requests are made through Teams messaging.
  • Feedback is completed and submitted through Teams.
  • Administrators retain control over content, timing and reporting of the 360s.
  • 360 questionnaires and emails templates only have to be written once, and can then be re-used multiple times.
  • Organization benefits from the expertise of the Track team for advice and support 
Key benefits of Track 360 Feedback for Teams
For users, interaction with 360 Feedback is simple and fast, giving better engagement and a positive experience.
360 Feedback can be fully tailored for the various user groups, management and leadership cohorts in the organization, so aligns with the organizations goals and KPIS.
Data from the 360 supports development for individuals. It provides comparative ratings to show progress on skills and behaviors over time.
Feedback data is gathered at group and organizational level, providing key information about ongoing skills gaps and training and development requirements.
Tailored 360 Feedback demonstrates the commitment of the organization to developing its leadership and other skills, and to ensuring its values and desired behaviors are being reflected in real life
Customer references
“We will be able to measure changes and confidence levels by running repeat 360s and reporting on the results – by individual, by team and by other criteria – which will allow us to make strategic decisions about development and performance plans.”
Nicky Hope Director of Business Transformation, Futures Housing
“Track provides us with the level of customization we need for our management appraisal 360 feedback”
Rashid Allsaa
Talent Management Director, stc Kuwait
Call to Action
For more information, or to schedule a call and a live demo, contact