dedupfs - Data deduplication File System

ULimitByte, Inc.

dedupfs - Data deduplication File System

ULimitByte, Inc.

Cloud native, flexible, full managed file system with inline data deduplication

1, Introduction

dedupfs - Data deduplication File System, which is a cloud native and full managed file storage service with inline data deduplication.

dedupfs provides a cloud alternative for secondary storage, data backup/recovery, file servers and file sharing, and even for traditional NAS.

  • Convenient: Feel free to access the dedupfs from your Desktop, Laptop, Virtual Machine, Mobile Devices, etc.
  • Concurrency: Unlimited clients from variable devices to access the NFS file system concurrently.
  • Easy To Use: No additional steps for configurations or prerequisites, just use it as a simple file system.
  • Flexible: Automatically scales from 1 GB to at most 64 TB according to your usage.
  • NFS Protocol: Exported in the standard NFS protocol with enhanced security mechanism.
  • Data deduplication: Automatically identifying the duplicated data to help you greatly reduce the expense on the storage space. You may save 95% storage expense at most.
  • Pay-As-You-Go: You only need to pay for the used storage space.
  • Network bandwidth: 1Gbps

2, Characteristics

Cloud-based data deduplication file system, which is an easier, simpler, low-cost, more flexible, cloud alternative for secondary storage, data backup/recovery, file servers and file sharing, and even for traditional NAS.

Born in the Cloud - dedupfs is fully built on the native cloud infrastructure, 100% pure cloud secondary storage solution with repspect to the traditional on-premises secondary storage.

Easier and Simpler - dedupfs provides the standard NFS file system interfaces supporting unlimited number of clients across the network.

Lower Cost - With data deduplication, saving at most 95% storage usage.