eSync on Azure


eSync on Azure


Standards-driven embedded platform for OTA updating and data gathering from multiple edge devices.

eSync is an all software platform that builds an OTA data pipeline to any number of diverse edge devices in a single network or set of sub-networks. It was developed for automotive applications, wherein a typical vehicle may have many dozens of computing devices from different vendors, running a variety of operating systems, with widely differing processing and storage resources, on any of several network and bus types. eSync is constructed of multiple tiers of embedded software that abstract the diversity of the in-vehicle environment into common messaging protocols and behaviors. Automakers can have a single server front-end that allows updating and data gathering to take place over-the-air to any number of domain controllers, electronic control units and smart sensors within any number of different vehicle configurations.  As a standards-driven multi-company platform, adoption of eSync brings the confidence of a multi-vendor ecosystem, to support OTA integration and a single approach across multiple vehicle brands, models and sub-models.