Azure Spring Apps Enterprise Committed Offering

VMware Inc.

Azure Spring Apps Enterprise Committed Offering

VMware Inc.

A fully-managed, enterprise-ready service for the Spring framework.

Azure Spring Apps Enterprise is a fully managed service for Spring from Microsoft, built in collaboration with VMware. Building upon the Spring framework and incorporating features from VMware Tanzu, Azure Spring Apps Enterprise is optimized for the needs of enterprise Spring developers. It enables more secure deployment and management of Spring apps with advanced configurability, flexibility, portability, and enterprise-ready VMware Spring Runtime 24x7 support.

Portability and flexibility in workload management: Seamlessly lift and shift Spring workloads between Azure Spring Apps, public & private clouds, and on-premises.

Advanced configuration and integration: Easily control your build dependencies or configure buildpacks to manage existing build environments and deploy non-Spring workloads in your environment.

Advanced and long-term support: Ensure the security and stability of your Spring application portfolio with 24x7 VMware Spring Runtime support, including extended support after OSS End-of-Life and access to releases for critical bug fixes and security issues.

*VMware Spring Runtime support is offered through VMware Tanzu Support. For questions related to Azure billing and subscription management (all customers) or Azure Services (support plan required), please visit Azure Support directly.

**Azure Spring Apps Enterprise is a managed service that is sold, operated and fulfilled by Microsoft. The capabilities listed on this page are specific to the VMware Tanzu features that users are entitled to when purchasing Azure Spring Apps Enterprise.