miniOrange Reverse Proxy Server

Xecurify Inc

miniOrange Reverse Proxy Server

Xecurify Inc

Securing Web-Server with miniOrange Reverse proxy.

A reverse proxy is a server that sits in front of web servers and forwards client requests to those web servers. Reverse proxies are typically implemented to help increase security, performance, and reliability. A reverse proxy helps to secure web servers, manage network traffic and provides end-to-end encryption. miniOrange provides cloud and on-premise solutions for reverse proxy which provides performance and reliability.

Key Features:

Access Control: You can regulate priority access to only authorized users, or you can grant limited access to non-compliant guest users. Only users logged in with your Identity Providers or Federated Identities can be allowed to access your resources.

URL Rewriting: URL Rewriting is the Process of modifying any URL structure while loading a Page. An example of the constructive use of this technique is allowing an Internet user to access a Web site that has a complicated URL by entering a simpler URL into the address bar of a Web browser.

Load Balancing: Load balancing ensures that no one server is overburdened, which impacts web service performance. The load balancer divides network traffic among several servers, with each server managing network traffic and other servers handling network operations that one of the servers fails.

CORS: CORS is an HTTP header-based method that allows a server to specify any origins other than its own from which a browser should allow resources to be loaded. When you enable CORS(cross origin resource sharing), you can get data from resources from outside your authorized domain.
Rate Limiting: The interval between each request from each IP address and the amount of requests received within a certain time zone is referred to as rate limiting. When you enable rate limiting, it ensures that the traffic entering the network is monitored to protect the network against DoS, DDoS, and Slowloris attacks.

IP / Location / Device based restriction: The Reverse proxy has control over the network, which limits inbound connections to web services with IP-based/location/device-based restrictions and minimizing unwanted traffic. The access may be granted or denied for a single IP address or a set of IP addresses.

SSL / Encryption Offload: The Secure socket layer is a protocol that ensures the incoming traffic in the network. SSL offloading is a process of removing SSL-based encryption from HTTPS requests received by a web server. SSL/TSL offload encrypts and decrypts the communication between clients and servers sending messages securely over the network.

You can check out our other features and pricing plans here.