Linux Stream 9 Minimal

Art Group

Linux Stream 9 Minimal

Art Group

Highly functional server distribution

Linux Stream 9 Minimal

Linux Stream 9 Minimal is a great instrument that is used as the basis for building the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 distribution as part of a new, more open development process. CentOS Stream is a continuously updated distribution that enables users to have early access to packages being developed for a future release of RHEL.

Linux Stream 9 Minimal offers an updated system environment and assembly tools. GCC 11 is used to build packages. The standard C library has been updated to glibc 2.34. The Linux kernel package is based on release 5.14. The desktop is based on GNOME 40 (RHEL 8 shipped GNOME 3.28) and GTK 4 library. All audio streams are moved to PipeWire media server, by default.

Linux Stream 9 Minimal consists vast of enhancements, including a new branch of the OpenSSL 3.0 cryptographic library. By default, more modern and secure cryptographic algorithms are enabled (for example, the use of SHA-1 in TLS, DTLS, SSH, and IKEv2), and Kerberos is prohibited. Don’t hesitate to start using our powerful distributive and greatly improve your server management system.

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Our images are preconfigured and ready to run, they are always up-to-date, reliable, and secure.

Art Group packages images according to industry standards. We monitor the libraries and components for application updates and vulnerabilities tirelessly. When any update or security threat is identified we fix and repackage the VM and push the latest versions to the marketplace.

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