PostgreSQL Server 15 on Linux Stream 8 Minimal

Art Group

PostgreSQL Server 15 on Linux Stream 8 Minimal

Art Group

Elevate your database management system with PostgreSQL Server 15

PostgreSQL Server 15 on Linux Stream 8 Minimal

Upgrade your database management system to PostgreSQL Server 15 on Linux Stream 8 Minimal and take advantage of the latest features and enhancements that enhance security, simplify permission management, streamline data modifications, and offer more flexibility in replication workflows.

Key Features and Enhancements:

  • More secure permission model: PostgreSQL Server 15 introduces a more secure permission model. The CREATE permission is now revoked from all users except the database owner, allowing for more tunable permission assignments. To fit the new policy, it is important to manually revoke the CREATE permission on the public schema for migrated databases. Enjoy greater control over permission management and ensure the security of your database.
  • Introduction of the MERGE operation: PostgreSQL Server 15 brings the new MERGE operation, allowing you to modify data in the target table based on a provided source. With numerous conditional processing options available, the MERGE operation eliminates the need for writing procedural language functions or complex CTE queries. This feature brings PostgreSQL closer to the SQL:2008 standard and enables efficient conditional delete/insert/update operations.
  • New features for logical replication: Logical replication continues to evolve in PostgreSQL, and version 15 introduces significant improvements. Two-phase commits are now supported in logical replication, enhancing data consistency across replicated servers. Additionally, you can selectively replicate parts of table data using specific sets of rows and columns.

Improve the security of your database, simplify permission management, streamline data modifications, and optimize your replication workflow with our PostgreSQL Server 15 on Linux Stream 8 Minimal

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