PostgreSQL Server 15 on Ubuntu 20.04

Art Group

PostgreSQL Server 15 on Ubuntu 20.04

Art Group

Unlock advanced database capabilities with PostgreSQL Server 15

PostgreSQL Server 15 on Ubuntu 20.04

Take your database management to the next level with PostgreSQL Server 15 on Ubuntu 20.04. This release introduces a range of features and enhancements that enhance performance, flexibility, and ease of use, ensuring that your PostgreSQL-powered applications run smoothly and efficiently.

In PostgreSQL Server 15, you can selectively publish tables' contents within logical replication publications. This capability allows you to specify column lists and row filter conditions, giving you fine-grained control over which data is replicated. By reducing replication overhead and enhancing flexibility, you can optimize data distribution across your PostgreSQL instances.

PostgreSQL Server 15 offers expanded compression options, including support for Zstandard (zstd) compression. Zstandard compression algorithms provide higher compression ratios and reduced storage requirements, enabling you to optimize disk space utilization. Additionally, pg_basebackup now supports server-side compression during backups, improving data transfer efficiency.

With PostgreSQL Server 15, you can benefit from structured server log output in JSON format. This feature ensures standardized and machine-readable log entries, simplifying log processing, analysis, and integration with log management systems. By leveraging the JSON format, you can easily parse and extract valuable insights from your PostgreSQL logs.

Take your database management to the next level by installing PostgreSQL Server 15 on Ubuntu 20.04 today and experience the power of its advanced features and optimizations.

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