Video Encoder

Clickberry Inc.

Video Encoder

Clickberry Inc.

Encodes videos for playing in all major browsers and mobile devices.

Video Encoder

Clickberry Video Encoder is a better way to make video processing for various devices easier. CVE is faster and less expensive solution for encoding videos in mp4 and webm formats for every major web browser and mobile devices.

CVE’s hybrid technology is reducing video encoding costs significantly by connecting standalone PCs through a service bus that can take a part of the encoding tasks off the CVE’s instances in MS Azure. This option works best for clients with high encoding needs and available PCs that can be connected easily to the system. For more information about hybrid encoding contact us

CVE works as a virtual machine for MS Azure and supports various source formats, codecs and video quality including Full HD and Ultra HD. Microsoft Azure Clients can install one or many CVE instances from Marketplace into their Azure accounts. The number of installed instances depends of the client needs. More instances means higher productivity of the whole system.

The system is designed to be robust and scalable, since it has no SPOF (single point of failure).

Supported Input Formats

  • MOV
  • MPEG4
  • MP4
  • AVI
  • WMV
  • FLV
  • 3GPP
  • WebM

Output Formats

  • MP4/AAC
  • WebM/Vorbis

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