
Data Semantics Private Limited


Data Semantics Private Limited

World’s Most Agile Conversational AI Platform

Deliver Superior CustomerInteractions Anytime, Anywhere.
Engage your customers in meaningful conversations with Sirius. Deploy domain-trained, highly customizable assistants to kickstart your digital transformation.
Sirius adapts to all your needs right from adopting any IT ecosystem to building beautiful conversational flows for your people.
Deploy Intelligent,Customer-Centric Chatbots:

1. Build Once, Deploy Anywhere

Build conversation flows once and deploy them across any channel in seconds.

2. Update On The Fly

Fine-tune conversations to keep them up to date and engaging.

3. Empower Your End-User

Build chatbots for all your customer needs in one place.

Product Features:

Omnichannel Capabilities

Deploy Sirius across social media channels or integrate it with voice assistants.

Intent Prediction

Understand more than what’s being said.

Vertical Ontologies

Cut down deployment time with a library of prebuilt intents.

Sentiment Dectection

Detect when a customer is impatient with the chat flow.

API Integrations

Connect to data sources to pull relevant customer information into the conversation.

Voice Deployments

Create, test and fine-tune utterances to clarify the messages.