
Niles Partners Inc.


Niles Partners Inc.

A leading web analytics platform

It provides detailed reports about website traffic, search engines and keywords visitors used, the language they speak, popular pages and other such analytical reports. Piwik can be used to provide analytics for e-commerce sites, the Web, for intranets also to analyze server logs.

With Piwik, businesses receive 100% accurate data along with tools to track user behavior even in the most restricted areas while staying privacy-compliant.


Piwik displays reports about the geographic location of visitors, the source of visitors (i.e. whether they came from a website, directly, or something else), the technical capabilities of visitors (browser, screen size, operating system, etc.), behavior of the visitors (pages they viewed, actions they took, how they left), the time of visits and more such analytics.

Real-time data updates

Gather real-time insights into the flow of visits to the website. Receive detailed reports of the visitors, pages they have visited and the goals they have triggered.

Customizable Dashboard

Customize dashboards using widget configuration to fit the needs.

Easy to Manage all Websites

Manage and overview all websites at once easily from a single widget

Track Progress

Track progress and identify whether business objectives and goals are met or not.

Content Tracking

Measure impressions, clicks, and CTR for image banners, text banners and any element on the pages.