CentOS 7.9 Server with LAMP


CentOS 7.9 Server with LAMP


LAMP CentOS Ready to Deployment

This app is only available in Spanish. LAMP is an archetypal model of web service solution stacks, named as an acronym of the names of its original four open-source components: the Linux operating system, the Apache HTTP Server, the MariaDB relational database management system (RDBMS), and the PHP programming language. Instructions for CentOS 1.Application URL: Access the application via a browser at "http://PublicDNS/" 2.Default installation path: will be /var/www/html/ 3.Default ports: Linux Machines: SSH Port: 22 Http: 80 Https: 443 Mysql ports: By default these are not open on Public Endpoints. Mysql :3306 4. Software installed: Apache 2.4 PHP 7.4 MariaDB 10.5 For more information on the Readymind CentOS LAMP visit our website