Linux 8.3 with Airsonic - Streaming Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Linux 8.3 with Airsonic - Streaming Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Highly performant music streaming service

Linux 8.3 with Airsonic - Streaming Server

Airsonic is an open-source media streaming server software that enables users to access and broadcast their personal music collection from any device or platform. It allows you to organize, manage, and listen to music files in a self-hosted environment.

Here's a full breakdown of Airsonic's primary characteristics.

  • Airsonic enables users to stream their music collection over the internet to any device with a web browser or dedicated Airsonic client applications. It supports various audio formats, including MP3, AAC, FLAC, and more
  • Airsonic is designed to work with users' personal music libraries. It allows users to organize their music files by artist, album, genre, and other metadata
  • Airsonic provides a web-based interface accessible through any modern web browser. The interface offers a user-friendly and intuitive experience, allowing users to browse their music collection, create playlists, manage favorites, and control playback.
  • Airsonic supports user authentication, allowing administrators to create multiple user accounts with individual access rights and permissions.
  • Airsonic supports a plugin system that allows developers to extend its functionality. There are various community-developed plugins available, adding features like lyrics display, artist biographies, and more.

Don’t hesitate to start using our Linux 8.3 with Airsonic - Streaming Server, and enjoy your music wherever you are.

Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses for any of the products mentioned above. Linux 8.3 with Airsonic - Streaming Server is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.