Check Point Infinity XDR/XPR

Check Point

Check Point Infinity XDR/XPR

Check Point

AI-powered, automated security operations platform for Azure and beyond

Infinity XDR/XPR is a prevention-first platform that stops attacks on all fronts. Leveraging ML and AI, Infinity XDR/XPR intelligently employs unified threat prevention to minimize the impact of threats with low TCO across Azure and integrated digital architectures.



With Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to analyze data and identify and prioritize threats, the platform enables the SOC team to leverage systematic risk reduction and threat mitigation throughout the Azure and hybrid digital architectures.


Correlating multiple alerts across all vectors and providing all data in a single interface, Infinity XDR/XPR provides SOC analysts the tools to efficiently investigate and respond to threats with high confidence and accuracy. With automation, security is deployed at cloud speed and scale.


Infinity XDR/XPR leverages real-time threat intelligence from ThreatCloud AI, IoCs from over 150,000 gateways, millions of endpoints, APIs, and 3rd party threat feeds, allowing security teams to strategically prevent lateral movement of threats.


Prevention-First Security with Microsoft Defender Platform

Complementing the Microsoft Defender platform, the comprehensive Infinity XDR/XPR platform is powered by collaborative, intelligent AI to effectively correlate multiple data sets to employ prevention-first security. Infinity XDR/XPR immediately identifies and reduces risks, then stops threats from laterally moving across devices, identities, apps, email, data, workloads, Azure and hybrid cloud infrastructures.

Improved Productivity

The consolidated platform eliminates the need to view and analyze risks and threats across multiple UIs. Infinity XDR/XPR with Microsoft Defender offers unified event visibility, enabling SOC analysts to efficiently and intuitively troubleshoot and accurately analyze threats. With off-the-shelf responses and playbooks and understanding of the attack chain using MITRE mapping, SOC analysts can strategically mitigate, isolate, and stop threats from propagating.

Rapid Time to Value

Delivered as a cloud service with fast onboarding (average of three minutes), Infinity XDR/XPR is easy to deploy with out-of-the-box integrations and pre-tuned prevention/detection mechanisms. With zero-friction rollouts, organizations can realize immediate and strong ROI—at cloud speed and scale.


As a fully integrated and collaborative platform, organizations can reduce costs associated with configuring, integrating, and managing multiple, siloed point-solutions. SOC teams are more efficient in their threat mitigation efforts to protect the enterprise, ultimately enabling digital innovation to drive organization growth.