Eviden Digital Health Solutions - Virtual Triage Bot

Eviden International France - SAS

Eviden Digital Health Solutions - Virtual Triage Bot

Eviden International France - SAS

Our solution is a cognitive, context aware chat platform which help in the correct clinical triaging

A single point of access for digital navigation of patients informing, guiding & enabling them to access information or right level of care at the right time using intelligent automation and orchestration.
Patients do not get the access to care as they need, experience delayed response ultimately resulting in lower customer satisfaction. Our solution is a cognitive, context aware chat platform which help in the correct clinical triaging as well as guide them to correct care modality. This in turn also results in providing real time support to patient and improve patient satisfaction.
Eviden developed a virtual triage bot which helps triage the patient health conditions using Microsoft’s diagnostic engines and accordingly triage the patient to appropriate channel based on the acuity.
Eviden helped to integrate the virtual triage bot into the customer environment to address the below requirements,
  • Cognitive, Context Aware ,Chat platform for “How can I help you ?” feature functionality available on web portal
  • Filter Clinical versus Non-Clinical Requests
  • Support chat-based triage and navigation to appropriate care (Emergency department(ED) / Urgent care(UC) / e-Visit/ Registered nurse) RN Triage line/ telehealth - virtual care appointment based on symptoms and disposition)
  • Ability to connect to “find a doc” and Scheduling workflow.
  • Ability to summarize Conversation and recommendation for the next course of action.
  • We propose our customers in expanding this solution to a digital health navigator(attached solution architecture) which will act as an end-to-end care navigation solution for the patients in terms of query resolution, symptom checking and triaging to the right modality, connecting with the nurse triage line or contact center agent on need basis, automated scheduling of appointments and integration with the EMR systems to store the recommendations as encounter for the patient visit.
The different users that benefit from this app are patients, nurses, physicians, clinicians, call center agents.
  • Self-care options for the patients in terms of information & educational material, symptom assessment, finding appropriate channel of care, view care options based on cost estimates for educated care decisions, easier appointment scheduling.
  • Reduced wait times and unnecessary ED visits.
  • Intelligent insights/flagging about patients to enable care nudges and care optimization.
  • Implementation of solution as a Digital health navigator would help reduce agent call volumes, reduce clinician and physician burn outs and provide better insights to patient health during the initial encounter, improve patient satisfaction.
Customers faced multiple issues while connecting with the hospital for health issues and time needed for the response from the hospital staff.
  • Patients are not able to find reliable information online while searching for right clinician/service location.
  • Many times, patients are not aware of the proper channels or the severity of the issue and walk into ED for non-emergency issues.
  • The contact center agents are not able to help with contextual info which makes the patient anxious about their condition.
  • Patient have basic questions related to appointment, estimated cost of care, in-take details but have no answers.
  • Patient don’t have information readily accessible to them without dialing in.