Limitless Digital Workplace for Construction


Limitless Digital Workplace for Construction


Ensure effective internal communication in a construction business

Are you struggling with communicating about updates from your construction sites? Build an effective internal communication in your company on a solid foundation. Limitless Digital Workplace for Construction is the solution for you!

Limitless Digital Workplace for Construction integrates key communication tools from Microsoft 365 (such as SharePoint, Teams, Yammer, Viva), enhancing their functionality and interactivity to better meet the needs of the construction industry.

Construct Seamless Communication with Limitless Digital Workplace for Construction!

Ready-to-launch portal

Creating an intranet portal is easy, even without in-depth knowledge of SharePoint, thanks to the Limitless Digital Workplace for Construction solution, which is easy to implement quickly and supports internal communication in construction companies.

Audience-tailored communication

Construction companies have two facets: office work and field work. There is a clear distinction between office workers and on-site workers, known as "first-line workers." The Limitless Digital Workplace for Construction solution enables the bridging of these two groups through effective communication, both at the organizational level and within individual plants.

Content generation using templates

Limitless Digital Workplace for Construction offers the ability to create company news using both a built-in content management system (CMS) and ready-made templates for corporate publications.

Presentation of departments and construction investments

Construction companies consist of many departments and, due to ongoing construction investments, often operate in significant geographical dispersion. Limitless Digital Workplace for Construction uses ready-made templates, making it easy and quick to build an area for each department and a showcase for current or past construction investments.

Enhancing communication efficiency

Use "push" messages to convey important information and reminders and send notifications about important announcements directly to Microsoft Teams and through a mobile app to increase reach to your audience.

Trusted source of information

Allow employees to report inaccuracies, helping to keep the portal's content up to date. Introduce information management and content recertification mechanisms to ensure their continuous update.

Image and photo gallery

Use rich media components to create a gallery with images that enliven the portal. Create an official gallery of company event photos and construction investments to increase engagement and attract user attention.

Enhanced portal appearance

Take advantage of the Limitless Digital Workplace Branding service to customize the portal's design to match your company's visual preferences, making it more attractive and consistent with your corporate visual identity.

Do you have a question, want to share feedback, or need support? Feel free to contact us through our contact page.