Windocks free Synthetic data generation


Windocks free Synthetic data generation


Generating synthetic data, subsets, database migration, SQL Server to Snowflake, azure data factory, fake data, azure database migration, AWS DMS

Windocks Free Edition for Windows provides database subsetting, synthetic data generation, and database migration for and between SQL Server, Postgre, MySQL, Aurora, Snowflake, AWS RDS, Azure Managed Instances, and Azure SQL databases. Right-sized, privacy protected synthetic data that looks like production, with complete databases, subsets, tables, and flat files. Create subsets in minutes, and move TB databases in hours, between different database types and cloud services. Windocks is used by database administrators (DBAs) to deliver lower level database environments for development and test, Machine Learning model development, and Analytics. Synthetic data assures data privacy and avoids risks of linkage attacks against masked or anonymized data. The combination of database subsetting with synthetic data streamlines DBA and data engineering overhead, enabling automated provisioning of safe-to-use data environments that are suitable for a full range of enterprise users, ranging from complete databases to tables, and flat files. Finally, the product also includes one-click cross platform database movement, with automated data type transformations, simplifying moves of databases between platforms (such as SQL Server to Snowflake), with throughput up to 20 million rows per minute (enabling TB class database movement in roughly 2-3 hours).