
Canarys Automations Pvt Ltd


Canarys Automations Pvt Ltd

The Ultimate One Stop Analytics and Dashboard solution for all the reporting needs in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is very famous devops platform in the current market. Azure DevOps provides end to end project management, version control, build & release pipelines along with dashboards. But the limitations with built-in dashboards is that we can see the details at the project level, but not at the organization level. Many customer from a long time were looking for a solution to get insights at the DevOps Organization level. DevOpSmartBoard is the answer for all the dashboards needs.

DevOpSmartBoard -The Ultimate End-To-End and One Stop Dashboard solution for all the reporting needs in Azure DevOps at organization and project level. DevOpSmartBoard is currently in preview and has the following reports available:

  • DevOps Organization and project level metrics
  • Query work items with various combination of filters and export to excel
  • User Audit: count of User licenses and types, and display non-active users (not used Azure DevOps from last 30 days)
  • Traceability from Epic to granular level Tasks
  • User Capacity across Teams & Projects
  • Project Health
  • Reports on Azure Pipelines at organization levels