EdgeMethods Industry 4.0 Fabric Connector Platform


EdgeMethods Industry 4.0 Fabric Connector Platform


Integrating Fabric into EdgeMethods Data Platform to harness the full potential of business data.


Our Industry 4.0 Fabric Connector empowers manufactures to consolidate all industrial and business data into a unified Fabric Environment, specifically OneLake/Lakehouse. This central repository facilitates real-time intelligence and Industry 4.0-aligned data solutions, enabling robust data strategies and enhanced operational efficiency.


  • Real-Time Intelligence: Facilitates real-time data-driven decision-making.
  • Simplified Digital Twins: Enables simplified creation and management of digital twins at various operational levels.
  • Enhanced Analytics: Allows comprehensive analytics and reporting, supporting strategic business decisions.
  • Scalability: Easily scales with business growth and evolving data strategies.

Key Features

  1. Unified Data Repository:
    • OneLake/Lakehouse: Acts as a central store for all business and industrial data.
    • Real-Time Processing: EdgeMethods process telemetry data in real-time, enabling the creation of digital twins at both site and plant levels.
    • Data Contextualisation: Data is organised by processes, assets, and sub-components, with clear understanding of dependencies and relationships.
  2. Optimised Data Architecture
    • Speed and Efficiency: Deploy a refined data architecture quickly to expand data strategy.
    • Storage & Compute Optimisation: Enhance data storage and compute capabilities to drive actionable insights and solutions.
  3. Flexible Data Consumption Zones
    • User-Specific Configuration: Zones can be configured based on user requirements.
    • Analytics Integration: Supports end-user analytics via tools like Power BI or Co-pilot.
    • Custom Solutions: Build tailored solutions for specific needs such as Operational Optimisation and Energy Management.
  4. Standardised Data Formats
    • Cloud ETL: Uses cloud-based ETL techniques to standardise data formats.
    • Interoperability: Standardised language for data storage in OneLake facilitates cross-examination and extended context understanding.

Note: The EdgeMethods Platform enables businesses to harness the full potential of their data. We utilise Microsoft Fabric, driving efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage in the Industry 4.0 landscape. Navigate to the provided image outlining the application of our Fabric Connector.