BlueSpice Mediawiki 4.2.0

Kobalt Software

BlueSpice Mediawiki 4.2.0

Kobalt Software

The MediaWiki Enterprise Distribution

- Responsive skin - professional layout that is intuitive and easy to use
- WYSIWYG Editor - almost as comfortable as working with any other office application
- ExtendedSearch - Full-text search in articles and files, faceting, fuzzy search and spellchecker
- Namespace, user and group manager
- PermissionManager - sophisticated rights management capabilities
- User and admin dashboard for quick information
- Flexiskin makes customization of layout and design simple
- Quick access of article meta data
- Customizable UserSidebar (favourites)
- Use page templates for preprepared prototypes which make creating a page easier
- Notification in the wiki and/or mail notification
- Stay informed via RSS Feeder
- Related articles to expand cross links
- Category tree: create a directory of content and provide pages with categories
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