

(1 評分)



(1 評分)

The Privacy By Design Database

SentinelDB is a cloud-based, GDPR and HIPAA compliant, privacy by design database. It lets you store personal data without thinking about compliance – just send us all personal data and we’ll take care of it.

How? Through our three core features:
- Per-record encryption – having data encrypted is nice, but doesn’t protect against many types of data breaches. This is why we took it a step further – we encrypt every record separately, using a secure key hierarchy. This serves as effective data breach protection as the risk for breaches is significantly reduced due to the inability to extract large amounts of data at once.

- Blockchain-backed audit trail – we utilized our SentinelTrails solution to make sure that each access and each modification of data is securely tracked without the possibility of being deleted or modified. That way we protect the integrity of data and prove auditors with a tool to inspect how was personal data used. On top of that we provide fraud detection so that you get notified when anomalous behavior is detected when data access is concerned.

- Zero-maintenance for customers – SentinelDB is a cloud-based datastore and as such can scale horizontally in case your application load increases. It’s also highly available, ensuring no downtime. Furthermore, it handles encrypted backups automatically. Overall, you don’t have to do anything to maintain it – simply send the proper data and we’ll handle all the maintenance.

The full list of features includes user management, two-factor authentication, search in encrypted data, full history of the stored data, GDPR-specific operations like anonymization and pseudonymization, and more.

Integration with SentinelDB is easy into new and existing systems. You can keep all your non-personal data in your current database without any change. Just personal data should be stored in SentinelDB, leaving only an anonymous identifier in your current database. That way minimal change would be required even for existing systems, and we are always available to support that process.

Our vision is to make data protection seamless and provide businesses with a tool that gets compliance covered. Regulations like GDPR don’t have to be tedious and don’t have to mean increased risk for your business.