Red Hat 8.6 Minimal with Webmin Admin Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Red Hat 8.6 Minimal with Webmin Admin Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

A powerful web-based administration tool.

Red Hat 8.6 Minimal with Webmin Admin Server

Red Hat 8.6 Minimal with Webmin Admin Server empowers you with a simplified and user-friendly interface to manage your Red Hat server efficiently. Webmin, based on Perl, operates as its own process and web server, providing a secure and standalone administration environment.

Key features and benefits of using Red Hat 8.6 Minimal with Webmin Admin Server include:

  • Intuitive Web-based Administration: Webmin offers a comprehensive web-based interface that allows you to manage various aspects of your server through a browser. With its user-friendly design, you can easily navigate through different configuration options and perform administrative tasks efficiently.
  • Operating System Configuration: Webmin provides tools to configure various operating system internals, including network settings, disk quotas, file permissions, and system services. You can fine-tune your server to meet your specific requirements without delving into complex command-line configurations.
  • Open-source Application Control: Webmin supports the management of popular open-source applications such as Apache, Tomcat, PHP, MySQL, DNS, and file sharing. You can modify and control these applications directly from the Webmin interface, simplifying the process of configuring and maintaining them.
  • Extensibility with Modules: Webmin follows a modular approach, allowing the addition of third-party modules to enhance its functionality. You can explore a wide range of modules developed by the community to extend the capabilities of Webmin even further. These modules can be developed and distributed under various licenses, providing flexibility and customization options.

Simplify your server management and streamline administrative tasks with Red Hat 8.6 Minimal with Webmin Admin Server. Install it now and enjoy the convenience of web-based administration combined with the power to configure and control your server environment.

Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. Webmin Admin Server is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.