WhizNano IoT Solution

Whizpace Pte. Ltd.

WhizNano IoT Solution

Whizpace Pte. Ltd.

WhizNano is IoT solution using TVWS. Its horizontal to serve verticals with plethora of applications

Agri-Tech Deployment: By 2050, the world population is expected to grow to 10 billion people, and we need 70% more food. On one side the cultivation land is reducing, and on the other side, we need more crop to grow. This imbalance can be bridged only with improving crop efficiency using adequate technology.

To adapt, large farms in urbanized cities have started to engage in the modern farming method using sensors and information technologies, allowing these farms to experience higher yield through precision agriculture. Many farmers in rural regions might lack the foresight for sustainable land management practises which lead to land degradation, soil erosion and overgraze rangelands on top of depreciation of resources. However, connectivity is not readily available in many areas in rural, or it is expensive even in urban, attributing to the low crop yield they experience. 

Many technologies have been considered for improving connectivity. However, TVWS, due to its excellent propagation characteristics in non-LOS environment, comes out to the be the best connectivity solution for sensor layer, last mile and back-haul to cloud. Our WhizNano is hardwired with various Agri sensors, which send the data to WhizNano Gateway or WhizNano Aggregator for 1-2km range. This WhizNano Aggregator is then connected to WhizRange or WhizMesh, to be connected with internet port. This range could be up to 10km long. Our WhizNano Gateway is integrated with Microsoft’s Azure for all the data collection and analysis to make the end to end solution for Agritech.

Large plantations typically are located at remote areas where connectivity is lacking. Without connectivity, a lot of smart agriculture activities cannot be carried out. TVWS is chosen to provide the connectivity infrastructure for the plantation. With TVWS, the plantation owner could stream video from 10km away to their main office for monitoring. With this large pipe, many sensors can be connected to enable smart plantation and increasing productivity. For areas where there is no power supply, solar power and batteries are used to power the low-power TVWS equipment to provide seamless connectivity day and night. Besides, TVWS low-cost nodes send sensors data from plantations, nurseries and greenhouses to the head office. This data is used for data analysis on-premises or cloud for better productivity.

WhizNano solution is also suitable for wireless communications for folowing applications: 1. Industry 4.0 for operational technology (OT); 2. Solar panel monitoring to improve the efficiency of panels; 3. Smart grid communication for meters reading; 4. Smart cities to monitor sensors; 5. Building management.