Solution Architect On-Demand Backup, DR and HA


Our Solution Architecture consultation offers expert guidance on backup and disaster recovery, balancing Azure services with AVASOFT's ISV solutions for robust data protection.

Service Overview:

Our complimentary consultation is tailored to guide you through the intricacies of crafting robust backup and disaster recovery (DR) strategies, ensuring high availability across diverse IT infrastructures. From assessing the effectiveness of snapshot restore, pilot light, warm standby, to active/active architectures, to weighing the advantages and disadvantages of Multi-AZ and Multi-Region deployments, our Solution Architects offer the expertise needed for making well-informed decisions. This service aims to validate and enhance existing backup policies and explore the optimal balance between developing Azure cloud-native services and integrating solutions from AVASOFT's ISV partners, customized to meet your business needs and budgetary constraints.

Key Features:

  • Thorough Backup and DR Strategies: Explore various backup and DR solutions, including snapshot restore, pilot light, warm standby, and active/active architectures.
  • Multi-AZ and Multi-Region Evaluation: Assess the benefits and challenges of Multi-AZ and Multi-Region configurations, aligning with your business objectives and financial considerations.
  • Policy and Technology Assessment: Validate and improve existing backup and disaster recovery policies across on-premises, hybrid, and cloud environments.


  • Business and Budget Alignment Analysis: Insights into Multi-AZ and Multi-Region deployments, including their advantages and limitations in the context of your allocated budgets.
  • Recommendations for Backup Policy Enhancement: Suggestions for improving your current backup policies and technologies, ensuring comprehensive data protection.
  • Guidance on Build vs. Buy: Expert advice on the decision-making process between developing Azure cloud-native services internally versus leveraging solutions from AVASOFT's ISV partners.

Next Steps:

  1. Schedule Your Consultation: Reach out to AVASOFT to schedule your complimentary data protection consultation with our Solution Architects.
  2. Engage in Strategic Review: During the session, discuss your current data protection strategies, backup policies, and technology implementations.
  3. Receive Tailored Recommendations: Gain valuable insights and specific recommendations for strengthening your data protection measures.
  4. Implement Enhanced Strategies: With AVASOFT's guidance, proceed to fortify your backup, DR, and high availability setups, aligning with industry best practices and your business objectives.